20 October 2009

Movie dream casts...

So the other day, a friend and I were grabbing some breakfast together, and we started thinking of dream casts that Hollywood really ought to put together.

Our first thought was:
Plot? With a cast like this, who needs plot?

Okay, plot is important -- but secondary, I think. So, a road movie, probably three siblings running from the cops. Let's say, a chase across Canada, with Brendan Fraser leading the RCMP.

You know you want to see it. Just remember, you heard it here first.

Another idea was for a re-make of An Affair to Remember. There were three suggestions for casting:
or, for a slightly younger crowd ...
or, to go more for fireworks than for flames, maybe ...
And I'd like to add a runner-up pair of personal favorites:
So, what think you? Any other fun casting ideas? Any suggestions or disputations with my friends' and my brainstorms?

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